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[Published: Friday August 31 2012]

 Angola votes for parliament and president

Luanda, 31 Aug - (ANA) - Angolans are voting for a new president and parliament, in the second national elections since the country's 27-year civil war ended a decade ago.
Most polling stations in the capital, Luanda, seemed to open on time despite fears of logistical problems. Former rebel group Unita, now the main opposition party, had called for a delay, alleging irregularities.
President Jose Eduardo dos Santos, 70, is expected to win another five-year term - he has been in power since 1979. The polls are the first held under a new constitution that abolished direct presidential elections. Instead, the head of the winning parliamentary list becomes president. Unita has expressed concern about a lack of transparency, especially the failure to publish a full electoral roll. Unita spokesman Alcides Sakala has said the situation vindicated his party's concerns, and called for the vote to be delayed.
A leading oil producer, Angola has witnessed an economic boom since 2002, after the end of the civil war that had ravaged the country after independence from Portugal in 1975. It is now Africa's third largest economy. Analysts predict an easy victory for Mr dos Santos' Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), which won more than 80% of the vote in the last legislative election four years ago. The MPLA campaign stressed continuity and is being run under the slogan "Grow more, distribute better" - a response to criticism that the country's oil wealth remains concentrated in the hands of a small elite. In its campaign, Unita has been trying to benefit from growing discontentment with the MPLA, as well as the fact that despite strong growth, half the population remains in poverty and lack access to basic services such as water and electricity. However, the party faces stiff competition from a new party, Casa, formed in March by former Unita politician Abel Chivukuvuku, who is targeting the youth vote and promoting an anti-corruption agenda. (ANA)
FA/ANA/31 August 2012---------

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